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Regula Contra Regulam Maggio 2011

Research Programme on Performing Arts

The expression 'Regula contra Regulam' can be understood in two ways. The first is paradoxical: '[A] Rule against [The] Rule', that is, a rule that is given in order to fight rules.
The second represents an opposing perspective: 'One Rule against Another'.
Regula contra Regulam evokes the relationship between training and actor’s dramaturgy, between discipline and creativity, between the need of rules and the need to break them.


Directed by
Raul Iaiza, Teatro La Madrugada, Italy
and Members of the Research Programme.

Work leaders for this session:
Raul Iaiza (Argentina/Italy)
Roberta Secchi (Italy)
Dawid Zakowski and Karolina Dzialk (Poland)

Open Session
in Brzezinka, the forest base of the Grotowski Institute
from 09/ 15 May 2011
In collaboration and with the assistance from
The Grotowski Institute
Wroclaw, Poland


Physical Training

  • Body rhythms, rhythm in segmentation, accent and counterpoint,
  • Choreography and composition within the space
  • Plastics and body orchestration (segmentation, dissociation, coordination, composition)
  • Balance/off-balance, dynamics and impulses, relation exercises, running, dance of impulses
  • Pre-acrobatics and body-grammar exercises (going to the floor, rising, rolls, somersaults, counter-impulses, jumps and falls)
  • Floor and dynamic acrobatic exercises, individual and in pairs or groups of three
  • Work-in-succession: from single exercises to composition to improvisation to dynamic use of space

Vocal Training

  • Vocalization, dynamics and agogics, training songs, relationship between song and movement, relationship between words and physical training techniques
  • Accents, syllables, dynamics of words/movement
  • Breathing and vocal emission techniques, registers and location of vocal ‘colours’


  • Extracts from various musical and cultural sources, that aid performance practice
  • Monodical and choral songs, three-and four- part harmonization
  • Intonation and dynamics of octaves, techniques of transposition
    and modulation
  • Techniques of vocal/instrumental arrangement

Physical Actions

  • Processing of structures and dramaturgy of person-in-action
  • Group montage and dramaturgy, levels of attention and perception 

Types of Sessions
All sessions are of a practical nature. Nevertheless, in the second half of the work some discussion meetings also take place. The aim of such meetings is to open a space for the exchange of thoughts about questions that may arise from the work – related to the profession and also to daily life. Participant-directors take part in all sessions either actively or as observers, and participate in further, special sessions with the leaders, focused on directing.
The sessions take place in the forest base of the Grotowski Institute in Brzezinka – the site at which the paratheatrical projects of Jerzy Grotowski and the Laboratory Theatre were undertaken.

Work sessions take place every day from 9 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 7 pm. Individual sessions are planned in other hours according to the development of work.
Number of Participants
12 actors and 3 directors can participate 
English and Italian

  • Reference theme is THE LINEAGE OF LAIUS, all texts from Sophocles to Ccteau to Brecht can me read and studied by participants.
  • Each participant must know by heart a monologue or a fragment of a monologue taken from any text on THE LINEAGE OG LAIUS
  • Each participant must bring a costume of his/her choice that has a personal relation with his/her interpretation of the reference texts/themes
  • The participating directors must know both reference texts or themes
  • If participants play a musical instruments, they are kindly requested to bring it along.

450 EUR (300 EUR  for participants from Central and Eastern Europe). The fee includes lodging and food, it does not include travel expenses to/from Wroclaw.
Former participants will pay a reduced fee: 400 EUR (250 EUR for participants from Central and Eastern Europe)

Application Form

Detailed information:
Roberta Secchi - Teatro La Madrugada 
ph. 0039 02 54102094.
The person responsible in the Grotowski Institute:
Magdalena MÄ�dra 



 Photos Maciej Zakrzewski


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I Servi di Scena / Teatro La Madrugada Associazione Culturale - Progetto di Ricerca Teatrale
Via Paolo Lomazzo 4, 20154 MILANO - Tel. 02.43127167 / 347.4382270 - - P. IVA : 12107090156

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